The Five Tibetans in Somatic Body Mind Spirit Integartion
Whereas a human’s gross anatomy refers to the parts we see and use—our limbs, organs, skeleton, muscles—the subtle anatomy deals with the energy centers that connect the body with the higher essential intelligences. Three distinct examples of the way different parts of the world look at the subtle anatomy include the Hindu belief in the seven chakras; the acupuncture meridian system from the Chinese; and the halo effect that’s called the auric field, which is from the Western understanding of energy.
What these three examples have in common is the belief in a spark of divine energy that animates all that is physical about us. This is the level of the soul. It is the level of the spirit. In Eastern theories of medicine, when the subtle energy channels are open and flowing fully, we radiate health.
According to the ancient yoga texts, the seven chakras are lined up in front of the spine, with the first being found at the tip of the tailbone and the seventh at the top of the skull (see Chapter Four). Indian belief teaches that the chakras correspond to the major nerves, glands and tissues through out the body. Each chakra, which means “wheel” or “wheel of spinning light” in Sanskrit, spins on an axis. Increasing the spin of a chakra increases the amount of energy that flows to the associated nerves, glands and organs connected to the chakra. The slower the rate of spin, the less energy flow to the same tissues. With a decreased energy flow the passageways become stagnant or blocked, and the related organs and glands lose their vitality, causing illness and aging.
The Five Tibetans appear to be incredibly successful at increasing the spin of the chakras and thereby the amount of energy that flows through the subtlest layer of consciousness. Practitioners suggest the following conditions to prepare for the Five Tibetans:
· Wear loose clothing
· Choose a room that lets in fresh air or work outdoors
· Use a pad of some sort for comfort
· Consult with a medical doctor or health-care practitioner if you are pregnant or have a chronic injury that is painful during exercise.
Each one of the Five Tibetans is a vigorous exercise. They are done quite fast, unlike many of the hatha yoga movements they resemble, and are repeated twenty-one times, thus becoming an aerobic yoga. Beginners are asked to do seven repetitions (reps) of each exercise. When the student grows stronger, the repetitions increase to fourteen each. Finally, increase each exercise to the full twenty-one reps, the recommended total amount for each exercise (doing more reps does not seem to increase the benefits of the daily practice).
Synchronizing the breath with the physical movements is the key to these exercises. It is the breath that oxygenates the blood and tissues and clears the mind. I focus on my breathing, allowing the inhale and the exhale of my breath to lead the movements. The effects are quite noticeable.
What these three examples have in common is the belief in a spark of divine energy that animates all that is physical about us. This is the level of the soul. It is the level of the spirit. In Eastern theories of medicine, when the subtle energy channels are open and flowing fully, we radiate health.
According to the ancient yoga texts, the seven chakras are lined up in front of the spine, with the first being found at the tip of the tailbone and the seventh at the top of the skull (see Chapter Four). Indian belief teaches that the chakras correspond to the major nerves, glands and tissues through out the body. Each chakra, which means “wheel” or “wheel of spinning light” in Sanskrit, spins on an axis. Increasing the spin of a chakra increases the amount of energy that flows to the associated nerves, glands and organs connected to the chakra. The slower the rate of spin, the less energy flow to the same tissues. With a decreased energy flow the passageways become stagnant or blocked, and the related organs and glands lose their vitality, causing illness and aging.
The Five Tibetans appear to be incredibly successful at increasing the spin of the chakras and thereby the amount of energy that flows through the subtlest layer of consciousness. Practitioners suggest the following conditions to prepare for the Five Tibetans:
· Wear loose clothing
· Choose a room that lets in fresh air or work outdoors
· Use a pad of some sort for comfort
· Consult with a medical doctor or health-care practitioner if you are pregnant or have a chronic injury that is painful during exercise.
Each one of the Five Tibetans is a vigorous exercise. They are done quite fast, unlike many of the hatha yoga movements they resemble, and are repeated twenty-one times, thus becoming an aerobic yoga. Beginners are asked to do seven repetitions (reps) of each exercise. When the student grows stronger, the repetitions increase to fourteen each. Finally, increase each exercise to the full twenty-one reps, the recommended total amount for each exercise (doing more reps does not seem to increase the benefits of the daily practice).
Synchronizing the breath with the physical movements is the key to these exercises. It is the breath that oxygenates the blood and tissues and clears the mind. I focus on my breathing, allowing the inhale and the exhale of my breath to lead the movements. The effects are quite noticeable.
There is some conflicting advice on how to spin in the first Tibetan. In Kelder’s original text he recommends spinning clockwise like the Sufi whirling dervishes. However, this is a contradiction, because the Sufi dervishes spin counterclockwise, and that feels natural to me. So that’s how I am explaining the exercise here.
Alan Davidson is the author of the Free report "Body Breakthroughs for Life Breakthroughs: How to Peak Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, Moral, and Spiritual IQs for a
Sensational Life" available at http://www.throughyourbody.com.
Alan's also the author of Body Brilliance: Mastering Your Five Vital Intelligences, the #1 Health and Wellness book and Winner of Two 2007 Book-of-the-Year Awards.
Watch the Body Brilliance Movie
Dedicated to our healthy, happy, and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being.
Through Your Body
1103 Peveto St.
Houston, TX 77019
Sensational Life" available at http://www.throughyourbody.com.
Alan's also the author of Body Brilliance: Mastering Your Five Vital Intelligences, the #1 Health and Wellness book and Winner of Two 2007 Book-of-the-Year Awards.
Watch the Body Brilliance Movie
Dedicated to our healthy, happy, and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being.
Through Your Body
1103 Peveto St.
Houston, TX 77019
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