To achieve harmony, each one of the essential intelligences must develop through its own distinct stages:
· Physical Intelligence grows from weakness to strength to power
· Emotional Intelligence evolves from a sense of “me” to “us” to a sense of “all of us”
· Mental Intelligence starts with pre-rational (archaic, magical, and mythical thinking), then proceeds to rational thinking and ultimately integral (integrated) cognition
· Moral Intelligence grows from selfishness, to care for others, to concern for universal mankind
· Spiritual Intelligence includes one’s own vibrational, energetic signature, our religious beliefs and meditative skills, progressing from fundamentalist to liberal to mystic.
Our peak development of each of these intelligences, blending them together in harmony, is the heart of body brilliance. Every person’s peak level of brilliance is unique, dependent on the growth in each essential IQ. The goal is not to master all the intelligences, but to strengthen those intelligences that are so weak they are causing problems. Author Wilber concludes, “For some this will mean clearing up a serious problem or pathology . . . and for others, simply recognizing where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and planning accordingly.”
· Physical Intelligence grows from weakness to strength to power
· Emotional Intelligence evolves from a sense of “me” to “us” to a sense of “all of us”
· Mental Intelligence starts with pre-rational (archaic, magical, and mythical thinking), then proceeds to rational thinking and ultimately integral (integrated) cognition
· Moral Intelligence grows from selfishness, to care for others, to concern for universal mankind
· Spiritual Intelligence includes one’s own vibrational, energetic signature, our religious beliefs and meditative skills, progressing from fundamentalist to liberal to mystic.
Our peak development of each of these intelligences, blending them together in harmony, is the heart of body brilliance. Every person’s peak level of brilliance is unique, dependent on the growth in each essential IQ. The goal is not to master all the intelligences, but to strengthen those intelligences that are so weak they are causing problems. Author Wilber concludes, “For some this will mean clearing up a serious problem or pathology . . . and for others, simply recognizing where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and planning accordingly.”
Love your way,
Alan Davidson, founder of
and author of Body Brilliance:
Mastering Your Five Vital
Intelligences (IQs)’
Watch the Body Brilliance Movie
Dedicated to our healthy, happy, and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being.
Through Your Body
1103 Peveto St.
Houston, TX 77019
Alan Davidson, founder of
and author of Body Brilliance:
Mastering Your Five Vital
Intelligences (IQs)’
Watch the Body Brilliance Movie
Dedicated to our healthy, happy, and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being.
Through Your Body
1103 Peveto St.
Houston, TX 77019
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