Thursday, August 23, 2007

Is President George W. Bush Personally Responsible for the Ever-Expanding Waistline, Button-Popping, Couch-Crushing Obesity Epidemic in America?

“America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected,” said George W. Bush in his Inaugural speech, way back in a previous life, like 2001. He added, “Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment.”

George W. Bush may be personally responsible for Afghanistan teetering as a failed state, Playing the Pied Piper and dashing us all to war in Iraq; there being NO weapons of mass destruction in said Iraq after all (he said there was); and the squandering of America’s fine standing in the world’s opinion polls.

Just as the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals—that’s a whole nother Oprah show folks—We Americans expect the United States President to be infallible when it comes to our best interest. The President’s office is not infallible, but it is responsible for policy. Harry S. Truman summed it up quite nicely in the oval office with, “The buck stops here.”

But does that make George W. Bush personally responsible for a nation of couch potatoes? A nation whose idea of exercise is to reach for the remote (and the chips and dip) instead of their running shoes; or lift a tray of super-size me food instead of a barbell? Or make another quick lap around the all-you-can eat buffet instead of walking through the park? Alas, I’m afraid it doesn’t. George is innocent on that count (that doesn’t mean he gets off scott-free for the afore mentioned bucks stockpiling at his door).

These days we live in a numbing state of “But it’s not your fault” marketing blitzes. Commercials for diet pills and gastric bypass surgery scream our innocence. Seconded by a celebrity chorus of “It’s not my fault” guilt free excuses (Lindsey Lohan explodes to mind). I guess her mother made her do it. Enough whining or carping already.

It’s easier to lie to ourselves—and others than face a glaring truth. It’s time to swipe a cue from the slew of Twelve Step programs out there and take a “Fearless Moral Inventory.” Fess up. Tell the fracking truth. Get over your self. Get real.

And when it comes to fat—the latest stats:
58 million American’s overweight;
40 million obese;
3 million morbidly obese.

We, as a collective country, are deluded on a river in Egypt. I mean da’-nile, sister; serious denial.

The math is simple. Too many calories in, minus calories out (the calories burned in a day) = the amount of fat stored in the body. What kind of food we eat does play a part in how quickly blood sugar changes to fat. But all-in-all the easy (and hard) truth is, “It still comes down to calories in/calories out.” The natural consequence of eating too much food is too much fat. You do your math.

Accepting personal responsibility is the cornerstone of peaking Moral Intelligence in any body mind spirit program. Moral IQ hinges on our ability to sense the consequences of an action and to choose best; and when things go south--as they so often do--to fully own up for those pesky unintended consequences, too.

I totally get that obesity is a side-effect from life long habits of emotional hijacking, confused thinking, doing, and being. That’s where peaking Emotional IQ and Mental IQ (unconscious, conscious, and super-conscious) comes in.

So if you’re ready to wake up and take personal responsibility for your perfect healthy body (read…over-weight, eating junk, lean body mass, fat ratio, anorexia, and bulimia, too), try adding this to you body mind spirit program…

Week 1:
Get out the pen and paper. Write down everything that goes into your mouth for the next week. I mean solid, liquid, and everything in between. At week’s end have one serious come-to-Jesus meeting with your self.
Ask, “What ONE thing can I do to heal my eating.” Listen to your body and its unique wisdom—it will tell you what’s best for you (Your mind may hate it—but that, again, is another Oprah). A few months ago I gave up eating white sugar. I lost six pounds in six weeks just by doing that one thing.

Week 2:
Keep writing everything that goes in your mouth. At the end of week two (and another come-to-Jesus meeting with you-truly), take stock. Listen to your body again—(it’s actually a good idea to always listen to your body wisdom. It’s wiser than you think).
Ask, “What one thing can I do to heal my eating this week.” My body feels best when I drink 4 liters of water a day.* I just recommitted to drinking my share. My mind already feels more clear-headed and focused.

Week 3:
Repeat as needed. Trust your body. It will tell you what’s the next best step for you. I’m threatening to slow down and actually chew my food thoroughly. I’ll keep you posted.
I can hear the Buddhist’s moaning about compassion now. Let me remind you that compassion is a two-edged sword—ying and yang. Sometimes the healthiest way to show kindness is to tell the truth-just like it T.I.S (tis). And when it comes to my own weight, George W. Bush, my parents, global warming, the price of tea in China are not responsible for what and how I eat. The bucks, and the pounds, stop here.

Love your way, adAlan Davidson, founder of
www.ThroughYourBody.comand author of
Body Brilliance: Mastering Your Five VitalIntelligences (IQs)

Watch the Body Brilliance MovieDedicated to our healthy, happy, and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being.
1103 Peveto St.Houston, TX 77019

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